Small books
These small books are an exclusive collection of Plant Love Grow.
This format is not available on Amazon and can be purchased in bulk or customized to meet the needs of your school or organization. Please contact us for more information if you are interested in customization.
All these books are 5.5 x 5.5 inches.
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Every day the Earth gives, so every day, we get the chance to take care of her and give back. This book was written to promote the idea that every day is Earth Day and to inspire conversations about what we can do to be helpers and guardians of nature. Discussion questions are included at the end of the book to spark these important conversations.

This field journal was created to inspire conversations about the Earth and what we can do to be helpers and guardians of nature. Use this field journal as a starting point to observe nature.
Best used as a companion book to: Because every day is Earth Day
Suggested age range: 6-10 (younger children may need assistance)

Words Matter. With every word we say, read, or write, we have the opportunity to create something new, something wonderful, something that brings hope. This book was created to facilitate conversations about the magic of words and how we can use them to shape our experiences. May you ponder where our responsibility lies as the tamers and shapers of words.

Each person is unique and gifted in their own way. But one thing common to all of us is that we are all inherently and equally worthy.
This book is a reminder that simply by existing, you are worthy. A wonderful way to start conversations around worthiness and self-care. Great as a gift for the holidays or any special occasion. Great for ALL ages.